Reclamation: Request for Input for Drought Mitigation Program

Posted on behalf of Wayne Pullan, Regional Director, Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Basin – with attachment


The purpose of this letter is to request input on new drought mitigation efforts funded by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Section 50233 of the Inflation Reduction Act provides the Bureau of Reclamation with funding to be used to mitigate the effects of ongoing drought in Reclamation States “with priority given to the Colorado River Basin and other basins experiencing comparable levels of long-term drought.” Efforts are already underway utilizing this authority in the Upper and Lower Colorado River Basins to increase system efficiency leading to water conservation and longer-term durable solutions for the Colorado River System.

With this letter, the Bureau of Reclamation is requesting input from stakeholders on implementation of this provision in Reclamation’s other basins. Given the historic ongoing drought in the western United States, the Biden-Harris Administration will use this funding to prioritize water management and conservation efforts in the basins in the western United States experiencing levels of long-term drought comparable to the Colorado River Basin. Reclamation is specifically requesting input on the types and nature of projects that should be eligible under Section 50233(b)(2) and Section 50233(b)(3) of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-169), as well as the evaluation criteria for suggested projects.

Reclamation is working to finalize guidance for this program in 2023 and appreciates your suggestions to help make the program a success. Comments regarding program design, project selection, or other information relevant to this effort will be accepted until August 18th, 2023, and can be sent via email to: and

Additional information from Reclamation will be forthcoming on Inflation Reduction Act programs. For more information on the Inflation Reduction Act as well as the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Law, please visit and, respectively. For the deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, please dial 7-1-1 to access the telecommunications relay system.

Please direct questions to Mr. Michael Benning: or 801-554-2074