The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is launching a pilot program to fully fund small water resources projects for economically disadvantaged communities. The availability of this pilot program was announced in the Federal Register dated June 21, 2023.
Project proposals under this pilot program are for new start projects under the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP). Under CAP, the Corps can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity. While CAP projects typically require a cost-share with a non-Federal sponsor, this pilot program will fully fund the selected projects.
Non-Federal sponsors that are interested in applying for this pilot program must complete an application and submit that application in writing to one of the following:
- E-mail: Please include Section 165 Project Proposal in the subject line of the message.
- Mail: HQ, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Ms. Amy Babey, at 441 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20314.
A link to the Federal Register notice, a Pilot Program Fact Sheet, a template Letter of Intent, and details on how to apply and what information is needed in project proposals can be found at: A more detailed description of the requirements for a project proposal can also be found in the Section 165 policy guidance issued on June 12, 2023.
Project proposals are due by August 21st, 2023.
For assistance in applying for this CAP Pilot program, please contact Mark Doles at (505) 342-3364. Additional Corps contacts by District and MSC can be found by entering your location address at:
Thank you,
Marian Schwarz, PE (TX, NM)
Flood Risk Program Manager
Hydrology and Hydraulics Branch
South Pacific Division, Albuquerque District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Office Phone: (505) 342-3348